Pregnancy Resource Center Of Dinuba
The Man Cave
Dawnings believes in the importance of mentoring young men and fathers.
We offer many "FREE" programs, just for the guys.
Classes available are:
1. "Anger, Our Master or Our Servant", Our Faith-Based Anger Management Curriculum,
2. "Practical Fatherhood",Perfect for New and Current Dads,
3. "The Dad Difference", especially designed for new fathers,
4. "Positive Partnerships For Men", It's all about how to have and to hold on to a healthy relationship.
These DVD driven courses are created to build Great Dads and Noble Men of integrity through one-on-one peer counseling.

Our classes are part of the
"Earn-While-You-Learn" program so as the young men attend classes, they will earn points that can be exchanged for gift cards or merchandise for their babies.

682 S. First Avenue
Dinuba, CA 93618
Office: 559-595-9323
Tues - Wed: 10AM - 4PM
Thursday by appointment
Sat-Sun Closed